
"Walking on the seashore, he picked up the spine of a fish, or a serpent’s jaw. Imitating it, he took a piece of iron and notched it on the edge, and thus invented the saw. He put two pieces of iron together, connecting them at one end with a rivet, and sharpening the other ends, and made a pair of compasses." — Talus invents the saw
Part of the My Holy Nacho project, and following on from the physical unveiling for the performance Unboxing: My Holy Nacho at Kunsthal Aarhus, My Holy Nacho: Sectioning takes the network-created object after it has stuttered and stammered through the network, and ‘sections’ it. That is, it is sliced into cross-sections, in order to unravel the digital acts, deeds and misdeeds written into its layers. In this live cross-sectioning presentation, a large-scale industrial forestry band saw is used to slice the object into separate sections. The slices will are then frozen in resin and exhibited at Nikolaj Kunsthal along with other project documentation, as well as forwarded on for the My Holy Nacho: Shipping commission at Link FMR festival.
My Holy Nacho: Sectioning is an action that reveals the impossibility of entirely understanding the heretofore undisclosed processes that brought the object into being, destroying traceability as an always pernicious side-effect of attempts to know 'what happened.' The spring exhibition and opening were complemented by performance and exhibition viewings of the sectioning process, and an evening lecture by archives curator Mela Dávila Freire. The Nikolaj Kunsthal presentation is held in conjunction with Kunsthal Aarhus and their online commission Order: My Holy Nacho.