On Planetary Proportionality is a live, augmented-audio lecture for the After Monocultures exhibition at galerie weisser elefant.
It should come as no surprise (but it does) that living bodies and the world are chemically proportional. All earthly provisions we eat are similar to the physical tissues and fluids that compose life. Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, copper, nitrogen and iron are already available, in just about the right proportions, in the plant and photosynthesis-derived foods we eat. This efficient nutritional transduction, this low impedance of metabolic transfer, gives a forgiving congruity to metabolic labour in other ways as monstrous as it is commonplace: eating, or the disintegration and re-integration of living matter. Large biomolecules are broken down and resynthesized in ways that underline the necessary proportionality of the living bodies (human, animal, fungal, and bacterial) to the biosphere and the necrosphere.
Peristaltic poems underline aspects of this productive proportionality in a mono(cultural) and stereo spatial-acoustic essay and reading. Held outdoors, a spring-evening performance lecture accompanies locally sourced asparagus, potatoes, and white wines.