Invited response at the official launch and symposium of the Participatory Art Based Research (PABR), asking "In which ways can we research together?"
The response addressed the perceived and real crises of creative research, and the impositions of austerity, regimes of evaluation, and general administratification rationalised in such times of actual and projected upheaval. What shall we do to provide resistance to the demands of a “fast science" (Stengers) of artistic research that is perenially, if not continuously and increasingly, foisted on communities of creative knowledge practitioners? The presentation uses biological metaphors of community, transformation and metamorphosis to address ecologies of creative practice.
Panelist included Isabelle Stengers, Brandon LaBelle, Sibylle Peters, Anke Haarmann, Marijke Hoogenboom and Kai van Eikels, at this online event that forms part of the PhD programmes Versammlung und Teilhabe and Performing Citizenship. Grateful invitation through Sebastian Matthias, to the Participatory Art Based Research, a cooperation of the HafenCity University Hamburg with FUNDUS THEATER / Theatre of Research and K3 – Zentrum für Choreographie |Tanzplan Hamburg.